Tuesday, December 23, 2008

And the Dr. is in......

So Adam and I went to see the neurologist today, and now we have answers.... sort of.

He started by telling me everything he was concerned about it being, but that it's not: cancer, MS, etc. Then he said he wants to be sure it's not sarcoidosis, so they are going to do a blood test... but likely not. he's pretty sure have recurrent Bell's Palsy. In about 10 % of cases, people get it recurrently, much like one would continuously get cold sores. They are both caused by a Herpes Virus (see info site http://www.bellspalsy.ws/cause.htm). He said that with my ulcer and my body being so ill this fall, my immune system was down and that would allow the virus to 'wake up'. he was concerned that they don't seem to know what caused my ulcer.... that's a problem for another day though!

So there you have it... that's what it is. There's no preventative treatment. Nothing can be done to "fix" it, although normally at the onset a dose of steriods is given,w hich I didn't get this time. But given my ulcer, the doc said they would likely not have given it to me (lesser of two hours).

So there you have it.........

Sabrina is coming to get me tomorrow morning and taking me home. I am hoping to be back in town Christmas night, and then be able to have my Christmas with Adam.

So, to anyone who is reading this... Merry Christmas!