Life, it is a-changin'.
In fact, a lot of things are changing. The last few months have seen a large transition in my life. There are some things I've considered doing but haven't been able to (for various reasons), but I'm starting to feel like I'm ready. Ready to get ready for what comes next, and allow myself to let go of whatever needs to be left behind in the transition.
For example, I'm ready to let go of some stuff. When we move (oh yeah - we're moving BTW) I don't want to take everything with me. We have too much stuff, and I'm ready to let go of some of that dead weight. If it doesn't have a place of its own in the new place, I don't want it.
And guilt. That's been done before....way too much.
And the need to please. I've been told about that one by my friends way too much.
And the need to help. Why do I always have to be the person who needs to help the people I know. And it doesn't even have to be something big or important, but it is just stuff I don't have the energy for.
I don't know what brought on the sudden need to change things. Maybe it's getting married (in 2 months and 16 days!!!!) or maybe it's the change in career, or the fast-approaching

Oh yeah - and I need to start standing up for myself more. With everyone. I waste too much energy dealing with people in my head - I need to do something more that will give me some piece of mind. I'm not sure if people even realize how they talk to me, or how they treat me. But when I notice, I get upset, and then have to talk to Adam until I feel better, and it's just to much pressure.
And hey - I put enough pressure on myself. You know, with working fulltime, school, learning to care for people in school (very taxing BTW), planning a wedding, being a good fiancé/sister/friend/daughter/DIL/SIL/aunt, moving, and oh yeah - trying to find a spare few hours every so often for me. Yeah... that pressure.
But heck - I love having goals, and things to acheive in my life. I' m glad I'm not stuck in a rut, like I was a few years ago. I'm happy with the choices I've made, and the schedule I've set up. Sometimes, when I'm telling people that I don't have a spare weekend until September, it's because I'm bragging while they think I'm complaining (okay - a little complaint in the brag, but you get the picture). I love my life. I just have be okay with letting my choices take hold.
And oh yeah - I'm getting married in 77 days!