Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Feelin' good!

I'm done my first clinical placement! Wahoo! And we're loading our stuff this weekend - wahoo! And we're moving away from the STUPID Nova Scotia International Tattoo - DOUBLE WOOHOO!!!

Also - caught up to the end of Supernatural last night - it was awesome. I really think that they should leave it there - it was a good ending. Something bugged me though - the prophet was supposedly God? That doesn't make sense because Dean's necklace didn't glow around him. But whatever - it was awesome. And Death kicked some arse too!

Getting married in 1 month and 29 days! Holy crow! NOW there's stuff to do - as soon as we get through the move it will be wedding wedding wedding. So exciting!!!!!!! And we booked our honeymoon resort (going to an awesome resort in PEI that has everything).

Year 1 of 3 done for school - so pleased!