Holy cow and I sleepy today! I'm having some trouble waking up, and even more pretending to be alert. Wow!
Last night was not a good night, but ended well (thank goodness). It turns out that Loki got out of the apartment when I got home, and we didn't realize it for 2 1/2 hours! By that time he was no where to be seen. No one on our floor had seen him, and we didn't know what to do. I started knocking on doors on other floors and finally found him. Some woman was doing laundry on our floor, found him and took him home. Thank goodness he was alright, but I can't understand why she didn't report it to the building.
But he's fine, and we're fine, and everyone is fine.
Then we hit the gym to deal with some stress that the adrenaline had thrown into our bodies, and that woke me up, so I couldn't go to be early. I felt fine last night, but today - I'm exhausted. I can honestly barely keep my eyes open.
Let's hope today is less eventful than yesterday. I think I'll crawl in bed around 8ish - no gym - and sleep for 11 hours. I could really really use it.
Oh - school has started. Back to adding that to my life :)