Thursday, January 7, 2010

Grumble Grumble

Today is not my day. I'm cranky.

Krystal decided last night to forget that she knew that there are no kids allowed to the wedding, and had a fit about it. Which made me feel as bad as possible, even though Adam said we've told them several time.

Magic fairies moved my lunch bag to a place I couldn't find it until I was late for work, even though I got up extra early so I could have a smooth morning and get to work a few minutes early.

Feel like I'm getting sick (which is no surprise), and I don't like it. Cant book an appointment with my doctor because she is now booking only consecutive appointments, meaning that she won't book a 4pm appointment until she has 1pm - 3:45pm all booked up (in her effort to manage her day better). Time to get a new doctor. Dangnabbit.

I'm cranky. And I need to shake it before 230. Grumble grumble grumble.

*Edit - this thing about Krystal claiming she didn't know is really pissing me off - I'm not pleased with feeling guilty about this. And even IF she didn't know, 7.5 months is more than enough notice.