So the week has been crazy, but good.
Loki, the newest addition to the family, was quick to settle in. Max isn't sure he agrees, but has come to realize he doesn't have a choice.
Wedding invitations are underway! Tina came by last night and a lot of progress got made, and Adam and I went out and ordered a bunch of envelopes and picked up some test paper today, so hopefully they'll be all packaged up and ready to go by the time Christmas gets here.
Christmas is 3 weeks from today (it's still Friday as far as I'm concerned).
Starting to worry about Christmas shopping - I need to get it done. No one is getting anything big or fancy (aside from Kim and Kory getting the stroller). But I don't think anyone cares - we don't care what we get.
School is winding up and winding down at the same time. I'm super busy right now and I don't have time to do everything while keeping my sanity and health intact. It's not a fun balance. Well, at least not at this time.
On the up side - I picked up an adorable toque today that was on sale when I was out. Ahh... the little things.
Tis the season - so be happy!