Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm getting married in 8 months and 5 days. How awesome (and quick) is that?? Wahoo!

No more exams. No more exams. My exams are do~ne. My exams are do~ne. (I'm singing this).

Had a weird dream last night. There were spies, and covert ops, and Dixon was the abd guy - and Shark (who is from Alias and Heroes) is ths bad guy - and there is a hospital, and casts over faces, and green Slimer-like goo over everything. And there's kicking, and hopping/jumping/sliding over banisters, and weird elevator ops, all the while the Run For Breast cancer is going on. It was cool as hell! And I was so into it that I woke myself up early, because otherwise we would be caught!

Hey Tina - congrats on the bonus! That totally rocks! I hope you spoil yourself with it!

Tonight I'm doing Christmas stuff. Cards, baking, movie, decorating. And I'm going to L-O-V-E it. I can't wait.

Travis, Tasha and Tycho are all here, although Tycho slept more than 12 hours so I haven't been able to see him yet.

Must go to the gym tonight - I'm feeling fight-y (in a good way).

HR gave us our extensions today. So providing they work still exists, I'm here until the end of April. Wahoo! If nothing else, that means the EI is an option if I get cut loose here.

No more exams. No more exams. My exams are do~ne. My exams are do~ne. (I'm singing this).