A wonderful holiday, with wonderful family, and a wonderful stomach bug to finish the season.
Okay, well, perhaps the stomach bug isn't wonderful, but the holiday and family were perfect.
Christmas morning was so much fun! It was the first time I've had a little one there to jump for joy that Santa has been there. It was adorable, and certainly hit the point home that Christmas is for the children.
That being said, Adam and I woke Tycho up at 5:45 a.m!
Adam and I spent much of our time in recent weeks travelling to various family affairs, and seeing people we scarcely spend time with.
Tasha, my sister-in-law, introduced Adam and I to a fruit I hadn't heard of: persimmons. They are a delight!
Now to fight this bug that has been plaguing me for the last 66 hours. Yes, I'm counting.