The roast is in the oven, Adam is starting the potato's, and the apartment looks pretty darn good. What a tradition to start. I'll have to be sure I'm well rested for this though - I've been wanting to fall over and nap all day.
The history channel is running a show today about what would happen if humans disappeared from the earth. It's totally awesome. I've been waiting all week to see it.

Maren posted new pics of baby Rowan. He's SO adorable. No, I don't want one right now, but in not-to-distant future, sure. Give me 2 years and we'll revisit the topic. But every now and then, my ovaries start to scream "Tick! Tock!" at me. Chocolate keeps them quiet though. Sort of. lol
Well, it's time to get ready to play hostess. And then sleep.
Dinner went very well. Everyone ate and enjoyed the conversation. The next family dinner is in two weeks :)
Super tired tonight. I don't have the energy to do anything. Adam went to the gym, and all I want to do is curl up and go to sleep. But I won't be able to for another couple of hours.
Taxes are done, and one more debt will be paid off tomorrow. Wahoo! How nice is that?!?! Then only a couple are left.
So I haven't been feeling too wonderful this past week. I'm hoping this coming week will be much better. I intend to hit the weights tomorrow, and see how I feel after that.
Adam's mother got a Wii, and a Wii Fit (which I've wanted for months). The downside is that I had to get my BMI done on the silly thing. So now his mother has a body profile for me. Ew! THAT is not a comfortable feeling at all. So I am determined to be down a tiny bit the next time I get on it.
BUT... I wowed her tonight with a damn fine dinner! Yay! (Okay, it was really really good.)
~ P