lol I called my mom and told her, then she called Krystal to tell her I had some big exciting news but she couldn't tell her what. Krystal though I was pregnant. She was a little irate with Mom when she found out what the news actually was. Just give me a little while Krystal; I'm not ready to share Adam quite yet.
Krystal and Mike are here tonight, and leaving in the morning. Adam and I have decided to start hosting family dinners a couple of times a month. We've decided that we are at that age where you have to make family a priority. If not now, when? Soon we'll be settling down and getting ready to start our own, and we want our families to be around to see it. I want my children to be close with their aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents. I was, and they deserve to be. So a new tradition is born! Right here, in our first home.
I found the most kick-butt brownies in the world - and they're gluten-free! Rock on! They are much gooey-er than any other I've tried. Yippee! Tomorrow I'll be trying to make a gluten-free pie for the first time. Let's see how that goes :)
My life on EI is starting to take form now. Mon & Wed I have Stats. Tues & Thurs I work. Somewhere in there I have 4-6 hours of Bio, plus added stats studying. Add time for myself, for Adam, for the house and for rest, and my schedule is suddenly booked up! Just the way I like it :D
Got the taxes done. Yippee! I'm getting some $$ back - thank goodness. It'll go straight to Dal, and perhaps a tad to Old Navy. After all, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
Off to bed! Can't wait to close my eyes! Zzzzzzzzzz