I really am looking forward to having it done. I was looking online at some statistics and the research is quite good for successful pregnancies after this (not sure what it's called, but let's just say that my BabyMaker is being upgraded!).
I don't get to have water or anything after midnight tonight, and if you know me well you know I hate not having my water bottle in hand. I can handle not eating, that's simple, but not being able to drink is driving me crazy before it even happens.

I keep trying to look at it from a clinical point of view, but I can't seem to detach myself enough to do it. If it were anyone but me (or Adam) it would be easy, but it's not. I know how it all works, but that doesn't seem to matter to the butterflies. The butterflies have a mind of their own. It's like someone just disturbed their nest - their super active and on edge right now!
Oh butterflies - will you let me sleep tonight?