Saturday, March 6, 2010


Hey all, So I know I don't write on here much lately, and when I do it's because I have something to say. Well, this time is no different, I have something to say.

While reading a friend's blog this week, she noted that this is Women's History Month.
Rockin'! Cool. I'm down with that. Well, a co-worker, who is aware of political views (which I don't discuss with many, but suffice to say I am liberal on many fronts, but still conservative on a few) decided to share something with me. And when I looked into it, I was disgusted. THIS is ridiculous! Just look through their material, and what they stand for! How outrageous is that. Now, I myself am all for a woman staying home, or working, or joining the freaking circus, but this blew my mind. What's the point of gender equality if they want us to live within constraints?
  1. Abortion? That's none of their business. Or yours. Or mine.
  2. Gay rights? Uh.... if color doesn't make a person less entitled, why would gender?
  3. Anti-government funded childcare? Get over yourself! It's not a conspiracy to monitor and develop your children, it's a way to help families afford to work to provide more opportunities for their children. Jeesh!
I find their ideals offensive. I appreciate the history and struggles of women, but I live in a time where we have choices. I don't know what year they are living in....or trying to re-create. So, here it is:

My name is Pam.
I am a woman. And I support other women in whatever I can. Unless it means stripping them of their rights and freedoms, whether it be by law or social convention. You should be ashamed of yourselves!

Like the picture? Me too. And I love the 50s sense of style and community, but not the social conventions that ruled women's lives. And you know what? I'm allowed to think that way AND express it. No thanks to the Real Women of Canada.