Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Study study study
That is all I do
Study study study

I am looking forward to the holidays for so many reasons! I can't believe how Christmas-spirited I am. I want to decorate, and bake, and cook big meals, and drink and be merry. I can't wait. I picked up my cards last night. Yay! December 1st, here they come!

Exam is tonight - I'm not sure if I'm ready but I want it over with. Anatomy final is in 2 weeks, then the Intro To Nursing Final is in 3 weeks. OVer the holidays I have to do WHMIS, OH&S, and First Aid/CPR. Should be grand. I wonder if I'll be able to read a book for fun??

Have you ever seen How I Met Your Mother? Let me quote it now:

I make more money than you.
Dance for me.
