Thursday, November 26, 2009

Crap crap crap. Crap. Crap crap.

I have so much going in life right now, that things are starting to slip. And you know what always slips first? The me stuff. Crap. Crap crap crap.


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This is my horoscope today:

According to the planets you are moving too fast for your own good at the moment. What’s the rush? Slow down. Take your time. Seen through the right sort of eyes life is nothing more than a balancing act, and balancing acts should be enjoyed.

Seems about right, eh?

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I got a message from Tina today telling me that work is about to swamp her with overtime, which means that, quite likely, the night we had picked out to do up the wedding invites won't work. Since December is already super busy, I only have, like, 3 other days I can do it (and then there is Tina and Adam's schedule to think about).

The point of doing them was so that I could work on them in between school semesters, which is likely not going to happen. And since next ssemester I have 3 classes instead of just 2, I'm ticked off and stressed.

I listened to everyone when they said to wait, and there was lots of time to get them done, and not to worry about it, and now look what's happened.

Jesus Fucking Christ. I'm pissed off. Not listening to people anymore. Unless they are living my life and my schedule for me, not doing it. But hey - who needs to sleep, or rest, or have down time? Who needs to have time for their relationship? Or for family? Hello, who has to have time to shower on a regular basis???