Monday, August 24, 2009


So tired!

So Bill came through yesterday, and didn't do too much damage in most of NS (With the exception of Queens Co and the mass power outages). I woke up at 11:30, went back to bed at 1, woke up at 5 and missed the whole thing.

Then, when the storm had passed, Adam and I went to see District 9 last night, and it was really good - definitely worth the ratings it's getting. But the theatre had the volume much too loud. Louder than most movies are - it was difficult to sit through. Oh, and there was a preview for an upcoming movie that scared the living hell out of me. Let me just say this: cute little old ladies aren't supposed to be supernatural creepy things that pounce and kill!

Took Ms. Ellen Woodbury shoe shopping today. It was fun to be out with her, without all kinds of stuff happening. It was good to just talk and catch up. I miss her. And hey - she won't be "Ms. Ellen Woodbury" in 2 days, so I had to sneak that in somewhere.

Saw a trainer today at the gym. She did my assessment (which was better than I thought it would be) and then taught me a few things I didn't know about heart-rates. Let me just say this - I am much too hard on myself sometimes. But I really liked the woman I saw, and I think I'll see her again.

Well - gonna go be comatose now. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz