Friday, August 7, 2009

Title A Blog Post? Nah!

Hey world! How are you world?

Did you know it's Shark Week on the Discovery Channel? And I like watching the shark stories - even if I am terrified when I worry about it while swimming in non-shark waters.

My poor Adam has put his back out. I've been helping him as best I can for the last few days. I know how it feels to be laid up and not being able to do basic daily things - it sucks. It sucks needing help, it sucks when the person you love most in the world sees you at something less than your best. But the good thing about it is the comfort of knowing that that same person, the one you love so very much, is there for you to lean on no matter what. No matter what, and no matter what the problem - because it's all okay and it's alright no matter the problem. And that, in itself, is an awesome love to feel.

And because of that love, I am getting married next summer. And I now have my wedding dress! I own my wedding dress, and I love it! L-O-V-E it! It's stunning and I can't wait to wear it!!

It seems like there are a million weddings going on. Aside from Ellen's (in a couple of weeks), and Tracey's (also in a couple of weeks), next summer there is Mindy's, Jenny's, Heather's, Kris's and mine. It feels like people my age are finally crossing a life threshold. It's awe-inspiring how it feels to grow up. How it feels to move forward in life. It's a wonderful feeling, and I'm glad it's come for me. I'm ready for it. I'm ready to tackle the big things in life.

Loving the new Wii! And the Wii Fit! How can people not want these? They're so much fun!!

Adam and I are gearing up for yoga this fall. I'm really looking forward to it. It will help strengthen his back, and my core. I'm really looking forward to it. I loved doing weekly yoga when I was at CFRC, but I haven't done it since. And I'm really looking forward to it again!

Cooking tomorrow for Ellen's shower on Saturday. Should be a good time!