Monday, August 31, 2009
Never Again
Okay so I just woke up at 3:45 pm. No more all-nightes for airport runs. And I'm starving!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Week in a Nutshell
Hurricane Bill last Sunday.
Serious pain Monday.
Running errands with Shawn and Ellen, then massage from hell and head pain from hell for Tuesday.
Ellen and Shawn's wedding on Wednesday.
Job interview, brunch, shopping and Farewell dinner party on Thursday.
Night of the sleepy gym workout on Friday.
Brunch and Julie & Julia on Saturday.
Family Reunion on Sunday.
Driving Jen U to the airport tomorrow for 4:30 am. Pulling an all-nighter to do it.
That's my week. Me sleepy.
Serious pain Monday.
Running errands with Shawn and Ellen, then massage from hell and head pain from hell for Tuesday.
Ellen and Shawn's wedding on Wednesday.
Job interview, brunch, shopping and Farewell dinner party on Thursday.
Night of the sleepy gym workout on Friday.
Brunch and Julie & Julia on Saturday.
Family Reunion on Sunday.
Driving Jen U to the airport tomorrow for 4:30 am. Pulling an all-nighter to do it.
That's my week. Me sleepy.
Monday, August 24, 2009
So tired!
So Bill came through yesterday, and didn't do too much damage in most of NS (With the exception of Queens Co and the mass power outages). I woke up at 11:30, went back to bed at 1, woke up at 5 and missed the whole thing.
Then, when the storm had passed, Adam and I went to see District 9 last night, and it was really good - definitely worth the ratings it's getting. But the theatre had the volume much too loud. Louder than most movies are - it was difficult to sit through. Oh, and there was a preview for an upcoming movie that scared the living hell out of me. Let me just say this: cute little old ladies aren't supposed to be supernatural creepy things that pounce and kill!
Took Ms. Ellen Woodbury shoe shopping today. It was fun to be out with her, without all kinds of stuff happening. It was good to just talk and catch up. I miss her. And hey - she won't be "Ms. Ellen Woodbury" in 2 days, so I had to sneak that in somewhere.
Saw a trainer today at the gym. She did my assessment (which was better than I thought it would be) and then taught me a few things I didn't know about heart-rates. Let me just say this - I am much too hard on myself sometimes. But I really liked the woman I saw, and I think I'll see her again.
Well - gonna go be comatose now. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz
So Bill came through yesterday, and didn't do too much damage in most of NS (With the exception of Queens Co and the mass power outages). I woke up at 11:30, went back to bed at 1, woke up at 5 and missed the whole thing.
Then, when the storm had passed, Adam and I went to see District 9 last night, and it was really good - definitely worth the ratings it's getting. But the theatre had the volume much too loud. Louder than most movies are - it was difficult to sit through. Oh, and there was a preview for an upcoming movie that scared the living hell out of me. Let me just say this: cute little old ladies aren't supposed to be supernatural creepy things that pounce and kill!
Took Ms. Ellen Woodbury shoe shopping today. It was fun to be out with her, without all kinds of stuff happening. It was good to just talk and catch up. I miss her. And hey - she won't be "Ms. Ellen Woodbury" in 2 days, so I had to sneak that in somewhere.
Saw a trainer today at the gym. She did my assessment (which was better than I thought it would be) and then taught me a few things I didn't know about heart-rates. Let me just say this - I am much too hard on myself sometimes. But I really liked the woman I saw, and I think I'll see her again.
Well - gonna go be comatose now. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Friday, August 21, 2009
Bill? Bill who?
Hurricane Bill is on his way. Every news source says something slightly different, but no matter what, I find it all a little exciting. We picked up some emergency supplies this afternoon, and the rush had already started. When we wet to Canadian Tire to buy a camping stove, we got the last 2 burner one they had. It was funny, there were people buzzing around the section, and they had 4 different people there re-stocking shelves and helping customers. Unfortunately, we have to go to the grocery store tomorrow to pick up some fruit, but whatever. The worst thing there should be the lineups.
Picked Mom up at the airport tonight. She had a good trip. She said Dakota and Jordan are as bad as ever, and Yvonne wasn't much better. She saw Karen too, and Karen was behaving, and claims she's going to write a letter to me to congratulate me on the wedding. LOL As if! On a brighter note, Danine and Mads are planning to come for the wedding, so that'll be great. I guess Mads told Krystal he'll see her at the "Big Wedding next summer". Will wonders never cease?
Showed Mom and Dad my wedding gown (and accessories) tonight. They bother loved it. So It should be grand! Also, Adam and I found a few more things for the wedding (I love Kijiji). From my next pay cheque I'm going to putting deposits on our flowers and rentals. And we still haven't found our officiant, so I have to buckle down and start looking into that. And I'm ordering Adam's ring next month too; the one he picked is timeless and dignified - an excellent choice. I love my wedding, and it's not even here yet. But it will be....
Picked Mom up at the airport tonight. She had a good trip. She said Dakota and Jordan are as bad as ever, and Yvonne wasn't much better. She saw Karen too, and Karen was behaving, and claims she's going to write a letter to me to congratulate me on the wedding. LOL As if! On a brighter note, Danine and Mads are planning to come for the wedding, so that'll be great. I guess Mads told Krystal he'll see her at the "Big Wedding next summer". Will wonders never cease?
Showed Mom and Dad my wedding gown (and accessories) tonight. They bother loved it. So It should be grand! Also, Adam and I found a few more things for the wedding (I love Kijiji). From my next pay cheque I'm going to putting deposits on our flowers and rentals. And we still haven't found our officiant, so I have to buckle down and start looking into that. And I'm ordering Adam's ring next month too; the one he picked is timeless and dignified - an excellent choice. I love my wedding, and it's not even here yet. But it will be....
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I got completely sun-f***ed and burnt yesterday. Ouch.
Adam and I headed down to the Lawrencetown Exhibition yesterday to show some support to family. It was wonderful, and we got to spend some time with some beautiful little ones. I really enjoyed it, but at 2 pm I was done, D O N E. Adam had to drive to Chester, and we stopped there to see his Grampy. Then we came back home and I attempted to recover.
And today I am still recovering. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
On a brighter note, Adam and I joined Nubody's today. As soon as I can put on a sports bra (sunburn) I'll be there. I'm excited to start taking a couple of classes. I enjoy group classes.
So Hurricane Bill is heading this way. It'll be bad if it hits, but I'm hoping it'll downgrade to a bad storm and then hit us. I'm in for some serious rain.
Meeting up with an old friend tomorrow night, and I'm looking forward to it. I haven't really seen her in nearly 10 years, and it should be good.
Jen U is getting her straightened on Monday, and I can't wait to see how it looks. I've been wanting to do mine for nearly 2 years, but it's hard to take that plunge. Hmmmm. We'll see.
Time for bed.
Adam and I headed down to the Lawrencetown Exhibition yesterday to show some support to family. It was wonderful, and we got to spend some time with some beautiful little ones. I really enjoyed it, but at 2 pm I was done, D O N E. Adam had to drive to Chester, and we stopped there to see his Grampy. Then we came back home and I attempted to recover.
And today I am still recovering. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
On a brighter note, Adam and I joined Nubody's today. As soon as I can put on a sports bra (sunburn) I'll be there. I'm excited to start taking a couple of classes. I enjoy group classes.
So Hurricane Bill is heading this way. It'll be bad if it hits, but I'm hoping it'll downgrade to a bad storm and then hit us. I'm in for some serious rain.
Meeting up with an old friend tomorrow night, and I'm looking forward to it. I haven't really seen her in nearly 10 years, and it should be good.
Jen U is getting her straightened on Monday, and I can't wait to see how it looks. I've been wanting to do mine for nearly 2 years, but it's hard to take that plunge. Hmmmm. We'll see.
Time for bed.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Title-less Blog Entry
Things are going good on my end!
I started my first attempt back at jogging this week, with run/walk intervals on the treadmill. Yay! It feels good! I've done it twice already :) It's been almost a year since I've been out jogging, which sucks. I'm dying to get better and get back to being more involved in active things. Yay me!
Hung out with Andrea today for the first time in a long time. It was wonderful to see her. It's been so long! I invited her to join Adam and I for a movie on Friday. I hope she can make it!
So our trip to NFLD is officially cancelled, but that's okay. We get to spend our first anniversary together in our first home, which is wonderful. I love my man so much!

Hmmmm.... almost bed time!
I started my first attempt back at jogging this week, with run/walk intervals on the treadmill. Yay! It feels good! I've done it twice already :) It's been almost a year since I've been out jogging, which sucks. I'm dying to get better and get back to being more involved in active things. Yay me!
Hung out with Andrea today for the first time in a long time. It was wonderful to see her. It's been so long! I invited her to join Adam and I for a movie on Friday. I hope she can make it!
So our trip to NFLD is officially cancelled, but that's okay. We get to spend our first anniversary together in our first home, which is wonderful. I love my man so much!

Hmmmm.... almost bed time!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Yesterday was a bad day. Today, my tummy hurts so bad I don't want to move off the couch. What a week! Tomorrow better be better.
Going to see Time Traveler's Wife on Friday. I can't wait! It looks so good!
Have a bunch of stuff to do today - nothing I want to do though. Hmmm.... maybe I'll watch some Sex In The City, with a hot water bottle on my tummy and chocolate in my hand. Yum!
Going to see Time Traveler's Wife on Friday. I can't wait! It looks so good!
Have a bunch of stuff to do today - nothing I want to do though. Hmmm.... maybe I'll watch some Sex In The City, with a hot water bottle on my tummy and chocolate in my hand. Yum!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
We had Ellen & Shawn's wedding shower today. It was a ton of fun! It's been a long time since everyone was in the same place.
I came out of it sunburnt though! Ouch! It doesn't tickle.
Tomorrow is a day of house cleaning, and gymming. What a way to spend a Sunday!
PS - I have the best fiance ever! XOXO Adam!
I came out of it sunburnt though! Ouch! It doesn't tickle.
Tomorrow is a day of house cleaning, and gymming. What a way to spend a Sunday!
PS - I have the best fiance ever! XOXO Adam!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Title A Blog Post? Nah!
Hey world! How are you world?
Did you know it's Shark Week on the Discovery Channel? And I like watching the shark stories - even if I am terrified when I worry about it while swimming in non-shark waters.
My poor Adam has put his back out. I've been helping him as best I can for the last few days. I know how it feels to be laid up and not being able to do basic daily things - it sucks. It sucks needing help, it sucks when the person you love most in the world sees you at something less than your best. But the good thing about it is the comfort of knowing that that same person, the one you love so very much, is there for you to lean on no matter what. No matter what, and no matter what the problem - because it's all okay and it's alright no matter the problem. And that, in itself, is an awesome love to feel.
And because of that love, I am getting married next summer. And I now have my wedding dress! I own my wedding dress, and I love it! L-O-V-E it! It's stunning and I can't wait to wear it!!
It seems like there are a million weddings going on. Aside from Ellen's (in a couple of weeks), and Tracey's (also in a couple of weeks), next summer there is Mindy's, Jenny's, Heather's, Kris's and mine. It feels like people my age are finally crossing a life threshold. It's awe-inspiring how it feels to grow up. How it feels to move forward in life. It's a wonderful feeling, and I'm glad it's come for me. I'm ready for it. I'm ready to tackle the big things in life.
Loving the new Wii! And the Wii Fit! How can people not want these? They're so much fun!!
Adam and I are gearing up for yoga this fall. I'm really looking forward to it. It will help strengthen his back, and my core. I'm really looking forward to it. I loved doing weekly yoga when I was at CFRC, but I haven't done it since. And I'm really looking forward to it again!
Cooking tomorrow for Ellen's shower on Saturday. Should be a good time!
Did you know it's Shark Week on the Discovery Channel? And I like watching the shark stories - even if I am terrified when I worry about it while swimming in non-shark waters.
My poor Adam has put his back out. I've been helping him as best I can for the last few days. I know how it feels to be laid up and not being able to do basic daily things - it sucks. It sucks needing help, it sucks when the person you love most in the world sees you at something less than your best. But the good thing about it is the comfort of knowing that that same person, the one you love so very much, is there for you to lean on no matter what. No matter what, and no matter what the problem - because it's all okay and it's alright no matter the problem. And that, in itself, is an awesome love to feel.
And because of that love, I am getting married next summer. And I now have my wedding dress! I own my wedding dress, and I love it! L-O-V-E it! It's stunning and I can't wait to wear it!!
It seems like there are a million weddings going on. Aside from Ellen's (in a couple of weeks), and Tracey's (also in a couple of weeks), next summer there is Mindy's, Jenny's, Heather's, Kris's and mine. It feels like people my age are finally crossing a life threshold. It's awe-inspiring how it feels to grow up. How it feels to move forward in life. It's a wonderful feeling, and I'm glad it's come for me. I'm ready for it. I'm ready to tackle the big things in life.
Loving the new Wii! And the Wii Fit! How can people not want these? They're so much fun!!
Adam and I are gearing up for yoga this fall. I'm really looking forward to it. It will help strengthen his back, and my core. I'm really looking forward to it. I loved doing weekly yoga when I was at CFRC, but I haven't done it since. And I'm really looking forward to it again!
Cooking tomorrow for Ellen's shower on Saturday. Should be a good time!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
What a weekend!
I bought a wedding dress on Saturday. I'm super happy about it, and it's stunning. And I've decided that no one gets to see it (who hasn't already). People should be stunned when they see it. And after all, if you aren't involved with the wedding planning, shouldn't it be a surprise anyway? I think so.
Loving the new Wii. It's a ton of fun, and we are on it all the time. What an awesome toy to have!
Going on vacation next week, and I can't wait! It's my first real vacation where I have gone to see family. I'm excited. Not about the ferry ride though - but still excited.
Ready to start my day!
Loving the new Wii. It's a ton of fun, and we are on it all the time. What an awesome toy to have!
Going on vacation next week, and I can't wait! It's my first real vacation where I have gone to see family. I'm excited. Not about the ferry ride though - but still excited.
Ready to start my day!
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