Well well well... what a crazy wonderful weekend! It was packed solid, and easily enjoyed :)
The weekend started with a wonderful massage and homemade quasedillas and guacamole. Then I baked some homemade macaroons and shared with Jen. Yum! However, a friend bailed on me for our weekend plans at the very last second, so I was a little ticked off, but the massage quickly took care of that.
Linda and I went dress shopping for THE dress. I think I may have found it in Dartmouth! I'm not naive enough to not look around a bit more, but I felt like a princess and so pretty in it. Eee! Then it was off to a bachelorette party in Sackville for a Sexy Girl party and lots of fun! I got to see so many people, it was wonderful. Then I got to bring my purchases home... he he. Okay, but seriously, it was the first party of that kind that I have been to where you actually get your purchases right away. That's the way it should be done!
I slept in. It was very very nice, and needed. Then, after a quick dip in the pool, it was off to Tina's for a BBQ. It was very nice, and the perfect day for it. I got to meet Jenn's new beau, and make plans to see her on Tues., and Ellen on Friday. I'm also trying to find a night to fit a kayak trip in this week. I want to get on the water!
So it was a busy weekend, but a good weekend. Now I have a million things to do this week, but I'm looking forward to it.
~ P