Then I found the most adorable matching shoes at Payless. And put it all together and I look like Lucille Ball. I love it! (Aren't they sweet?)

And then I picked up some a few things from Staples for the wedding, as well as the biggest Post-Its ever (the size of a paperboard you use for giving a presentation!).
I'm shopped out!
Oh, and get this - I went to go sign something at my insurance office today, and there was a fee, so I said I'd be using debit. But......they....don't....do....debit. Huh? They do cash, credit or cheque only. How weird is that?
Oh and did you know Calgon has gone out of business? That makes me so sad! Now I have to try and find a place that has my scent stockpiles so I can go get it!
Wow. I need a nap.