With Adam home sick for 2nd day in a row, and me not at 100%, today is not the best day in the world.
Poor Adam! I'm so sorry you're sick Hun. I know you hate to be sick. I love you and want you to feel better. Hugs!!
The next week is looking very busy. I have a studygroup, a midterm, work if I can use my arm tomorrow, and general life. Plus, I would love to get enough accomplished to be able to make Tina's BBQ on Sunday, so here's to hoping! And using my arm....
We have tickets to Cirque de Soleil tomorrow - I can not wait. After missing the Nutcracker the way I did, nothing short of hell on earth will make me miss this. I can't wait to go!
So Adam got me into watching Dexter Season 3, and it was pretty awesome, I must say. I loved it. Which is surprising since I couldn't stand to make it through Season 1. Go figure.
Told my grandmother about the wedding, and she was pleased. Step 1 done.
Fox renewed my new fav shows - Dollhouse & Chuck. I really hope the rest of you get into them b/c they rock!
Okay - off to the day I go.