Hello all!
So I woke with what I thought was a dislocated rib. Guess what? There is no such thing, according to my family doctor and 2 emergency doctors.
Anyway, I headed to the chiropractor, thinking he would fix me up. He was a complete quack! (A quack-o-practor is what I call him). All he did was NOT crack anything and HIT my ribs with some sort of hammer. Uh... Mr Quack? That's not helping.
So I got home and called my GP back, and got right in to see her. She said I needed to go to the ER, so off I went. After X-Rays, blood test and a CT, and (yet again) they don't know what's wrong with me. So they sent me home and told me to come back in the morning if it's not better. (it hasn't been better in 3 days, so why would it be tomorrow morning after the day I've had?) And on top of it all, they had given me dilotted (sp?) and it didn't affect me at all, so they forced me to bring some home, despite the fact that it did nothing for me. I don't think that's how drug control is supposed to work.
So I'm at home and now what? Argh. This year sucks.