So the long weekend has come and gone. But yet, we didn't get camping. It rained all weekend, and was very cold. And with the amount of studying I had to do, it just didn't seem to make sense. Plus, I wasn't in the best of moods this weekend.
I had a night out from hell Friday night. Turns out that the restaurant we went to has bitch owners who don't seem to care if they make people sick. So after getting into it with the bitch owner, I went home and left Tina and Adam to go see Star Trek themselves. Needless to say, my mood for the weekend wasn't 100%.
Another weekend for camping then!
I did get to see Angels & Demons though. It's been getting mixed reviews, but I really liked it. We managed to fit in The DaVinci Code through the weekend too (one of my favs).
The study-load has been horridly heavy, and isn't about to ease up any time soon. I'm afraid I'll be passing on a lot of social opportunities for the next little while. That's likely for the best anyway; I'm finding that there is a little too much going on with too many people, and I don't want to get swallowed up by any of it; it's hard enough trying to find the time to enjoy my own.
I think I would like to, for once, just want to sit back and go through a routine for a little while. It's something I could really use right now, with all the schoolwork and wedding planning, so it seems like the perfect time.
I think it's time I took some time to enjoy this time of my life with Adam. Although no one seems to care all that much, we're getting married next year, and that's a huge deal for us.
I keep hearing things like "Oh, I'm so happy for you! It's just that....", and "That's wonderful! What's the rush, you have so much time to plan...". And, in the same breath they use to congratulate me, the woes of everyone I tell.
I care about everyone, but right now, I want to indulge in our happiness. Go swimming in it. Frolic in it. Roll around and play in it.

Oh.... the mental picture. hehe
I googled 'frolic' and this is what I got. Adorable! -->
I'm a bride, and I am going to take some time to enjoy that, and indulge in planning the very event I've been waiting 28.5 years to plan.
(No, I will never admit, in 1.5 years, how old I am. Even if this blog makes it into a court of law.) Shhhhhh!
I can't wait for Maren to get here so I have someone to do all the girly wedding stuff with. I'm damn near doing a countdown!
You get the idea.
Adam's bro is staying with us this week. And his nephew too! I'm looking forward to meeting them later tonight/tomorrow.
Time to get cleaning!