Another week has started!
I had an amazing weekend. Adam and I did so many great things together, it was amazing. I still find it hard to believe that after all that has happened in my life, and all the crap I've gone through, I finally found someone to love like this. I thought the only love that would feel this strong would have been the "first" but I was so very wrong. Not only is it an all-encompassing, passionate love, it's overwhelming, and makes me happy all of the time. Even in a crappy mood, just thinking about him makes me smile.
Hey.. wait a minute... maybe that's the secret to finding "the one". Someone who can break through PMS!
It's weird though. Instead of it being "me and Adam", it's "us". Everything before him just seems like a prelude to the rest of my life. I was talking to Ellen (hi Ellen!!!) about this the other day, and she completely understood what I meant (thank goodness). It's different. Everything else just isn't as important as the most important thing in my life: my relationship. That isn't to say that I don't love everyone else the same way as I always have, but it's just that I'm finally looking at the world in
focus now. I finally get what everyone has always talked about. And that BS line about how you "just know" when you meet the right person, isn't BS. Which still seems impossible to me.
We're starting to get more and more things together for the camping season. I'm very excited, even though it's a little while off. I can't wait! It'll be wonderful! Backpacking and hiking and camping will be awesome! I'd like to get a kayak camp-out in there somewhere too. I tried to get people to do it last year, but no one was interested. But I know it'd be great fun, so I may just make it happen this year.
I have to admit, I was super jealous of you Alice, when you went dog sledding. That was another one of those things that I tried to make happen when I was living out west, but couldn't get enough people together. I can't wait to try it (you lucky duck!).
Jen U is in ballet this year, and Adam and I went to her showcase last night. It was awesome! There were all kinds of different dances: belly dance, jazz, swing, ballet, etc. They were about 5 minutes each, and just wonderful. I can't wait to go to another show like that one! And Jen was awesome.
It seems like ever since the new year every weekend I have a jam packed schedule. First with the move, then the unpack, then guests, guests and more guests, then our trip home, then this weekend was a bunch of little obligations. This coming weekend is crazy too. Meeting Mandi, Rae and Becky for dinner after they get back from
Punta Cana on Saturday (so jealous), my mom's birthday dinner on Sunday, and Sabrina mentioned she might be coming in to stay on Friday. So crazy! Although it is nice to be well enough to finally see people after being a hermit for months and months. It's so nice. And whenever I get the chance, Adam and I sneak out for some active us time on the town, whether it be walking, shopping, or just hanging out. Being a shut in was no fun at all.
Adam is taking up a sport this spring, so I was thinking of trying to throw together another girls night on whatever night he has that. I'd like to do something fun each week like play volleyball, or take a cooking class, or hit the gym, walk the waterfront or have different people host a dinner or something. I'll have to see who's interested once I find out Adam's schedule.
Hmmm... I must make time to drink soon.
Well, I'm off to make a casserole for dinner and toss in some laundry. I think I'll sneak over and pick Adam up from work today. It's rainy, pretty, relaxing, and a good day to snuggle with my honey.