Boo! I don't want the weekend to be over. I didn't get to relax. Isn't that what the weekend is for? Well, shucks.
Today I went to the Bridal Show with Tina, then came home to help Adam clean is apartment for the out-clearance. Now I'm pooped! And lounging watching the awards.
LOL - Jennifer Aniston was presenting with Jack Black a little while ago, and she was all teared up, and having an obviously hard time holding herself together. Me and my little mind (which is far too interested and gullible with the paparazzi reports) wonders if it has anything to do with Brangelina?
OMG! As I was just writing that last paragraph, it showed a shot of her & John Mayer, and she still looks like she's torn apart! I hope everything is okay with her and John! That woman deserves to be happy! I'm so bad, I know.
Wow - Slum Dog Millionaire is really cleaning house tonight. It's nice to see.
Happy 6th Adam. I love you partner!
Anyway.... bedtime!