My laptop is dead. Dead dead dead. I only bought in 2007, and now it's dead! The power center doesn't seem to be working. I'll take it in to someone at somepoint in the next couple of days, but it doesn't look good. Thank goodness for jump drives! I got a lot off of it before it died. But I'm still missing about 2000 songs. Meh - we'll see what happens.
In the meantime I am all set up on Adam's computer. I have my files put where they belong, and my desktop looks like mine. So heck - whatever. Most households only have 1 computer anyway. I'm just spoiled. Maybe I'll spend more time in the gym and less in from of the computer! LOL then again... school starts in a week and Adam will likely want access to his computer.... hopefully we can get used to it without too much of a scuffle!
I also found out today that I didn't get the jo at Canadian Blood Service. They decided to hire from within, which isn't a surprise, but I don't see why they would interview a slew of candidates, when the person who already works there is the obvious choice.
Oh well - that was my day.
On a brighter note, I hung with Red all day, and we had a blast. I love seeing her. And Adam and now have most of our centerpieces (yay). Oh - and I found the white gloves for my girls to wear! SCORE!!!
Meh - my day wasn't horrible - but it wasn't the best. Tomorrow will be better when I finally get my home back in order!
Sleep soon.