Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Twilight premiers Thursday night at 10pm!

Yay! I havebeen waiting months for this. Months! I'm so glad it's finally arrived. And we have tickets! Great!

Alice left this morning - makes me a litle sad to see her go. But I know how she's feeling, b.c I've been there, so I'm very proud of her for not living life in a "safe" way. She deserves better than that.

And from my last post, let me just say - I love Adam more and more every day. Which I didn't think was possible. I love him and I have never been happier in my life.

Now work.... ugh. Just get through today and then tomorrow, then repeat. Why do I feel as though work has sucked the life out of me? Oh yeah - it has.

But then, at the end of the day, there's Adam. And I smile.